Testing Gateway/Integrator interoperability

Gateway to Integrator


Initiate a connection request to Gateway from a remote partner and send a file to Integrator.

Expected processing result

  1. Gateway verifies the remote partner credentials and communication protocol. If Gateway finds the required communication protocol, it opens the connection.
  2. Gateway receives the file, and sends a notification (containing all attributes values of the transfer) to Integrator , notifying Integrator that there is a file available for retrieval in the receive directory.
  3. Integrator receives this notification via the Gateway Connector. Integrator uses the criteria extracted by receive channel processes to classify the incoming notification. It takes into account the notification and retrieves the file from the Gateway directory where it was deposited.
  4. The Integrator Receive Activity (associated with the receive channel) forwards the file to the next Integrator Activity in the processing sequence, for message backup and processing for the back-end applications.

Integrator to Gateway


Initiate a file transfer from Integrator to a remote partner via Gateway.

Expected processing result

  1. Integrator receives a file from the back end (for example, via FTP).
  2. Integrator forwards the file using the Gateway Connector. The DEAID specified in the send channel provides the reference to the remote partner.
  3. Integrator calls Gateway to create a transfer type TRANS to the remote Partner.
  4. Gateway creates and deposits a new transfer in the Gateway Mailbox.
  5. Each time the transfer changes status, Gateway sends a notification back to Integrator. This enables Integrator to follow the state of the transfer it initiated.

Exchange view in Sentinel

In the case where Gateway and Integrator are configured to send notifications to the same Sentinel Server, it is possible to view a display of end-to-end monitored events.